
Total Messages Last 30 Days

Source Retrieval Count Last 30 Days


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Allowed Domains

Domains that are permitted to access your PageBot instance. Defaults to Any

Integration Steps


Copy and paste this script tag into the head of your page.

adding a source

This can either be raw text, a relative or absolute url. If it is a url, pagebot will fetch the url and use the response as the source.

This is the number of seconds that pagebot will cache the source for. After this time, pagebot will fetch the source again. Defaults to 1 month in seconds (2.6e+6 seconds)

PageBot automatically parses the contents of the current webpage and its index page as a source. This means you don't need to add the current page or the landing page as a source e.g content='/' is not required.

We discourage using sitemap datasources, due to potential performance issues of having to retrieve a large number of urls.

Supported Formats


adding pre-defined questions and answers

Pre-defined questions and answers are not charged as they are never sent to the server. you should use this to save costs and reduce waiting time.