Give your customers conversations that are:




PageBot is a GPT powered chatbot that understands your website's content and knowledgebase.

Get Started For Free

No credit card required

Add GPT superpowers to your website with a single line of code, no training required.

<script data-pgbt_id="<YOUR_ID>" src='' />
Get Started For Free

0 messages have been sent using PageBot

Is this you ?

I want to spend more time building my products over handling customer service.

I want to give my customers instant responses to their questions

I have a large knowledge-base that is difficult to onboard human workers.

I want to decrease customer support tickets on trivial questions.

We're on a mission to revolutionize customer service with GPT-powered chatbots for instant, effective support.

Why PageBot ?

PageBot is the most flexible AI chatbot you’ll ever use.

Add datasources to your chatbot dynamically via meta tags

Only pay for what you use; no monthly upfront costs


Only pay for what you use; no monthly upfront costs

source retrieval

Your knowledge-base retrieved by pagebot, e.g a PDF, a web-page, API calls to your backend.


message count

The number of your customers messages PageBot replies to.


Free Plan

50 messages free monthly.

no credit card required

Get Started For Free

Cost Estimate Calculator

Here's an estimate below, you can adjust the numbers

50messages monthly would cost:

50 Messages Free Monthly

Get Started For Free